Found Laying Around the Shop

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Incredible P.W.E.I. vs. The End of Evangelion.

I picked up Pop Will Eat Itself's singles for Karmadrome & Dance of the Mad off Amazon. Turns out Karmadrome has the song "PWEI-zation" on it, which I had completely forgetten existed.

I've heard it before, of course. Back then the only PWEI I had possession of (dark times, those) was the 16 Flavors of Hell compilation disc (I think I had the Looks or the Lifestyle, too). I lost that disc (still don't know what happened to it), & when I subsequently filled out the rest of my collection, forgot all about "PWEI-zation."

So you can imagine, perhaps, the tingly surprise at re-hearing the song for the first time, in, say, 7-8 years.

Naturally, 3 or 4 hours of editing subsequently results in "The Incredible PWEI vs. The End of Evangelion."


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