Friday, July 17, 2020

HEAVY TUNES: Records I Listened to This Week or So, As of July 17, 2020

June 30, 2020

  1. Wand, Golem
    Shredder. Right up there with Plum!
  2. A Winged Victory for the Sullen, A Winged Victory for the Sullen
    Was I awake during this? Was the band?
  3. Explosions in the Sky, The World Is Not a Cold Dead Place
    ...if you say so.
  4. Helium, Ends with And
  5. Trans Am, Trans Am
  6. Windhand, Windhand
  7. Bongripper, Glaciers
  8. Funkadelic, America Eats Its Young
  9. Starcastle, Citadel

July 12, 2020

  1. David Bowie, Outside
  2. Guns & Roses, Chinese Democracy
  3. Wolf Parade, Cry Cry Cry
  4. Madvillain, Madvillainy
  5. Quasimoto, The Unseen
  6. Deltron 3030, The Instrumentals
  7. Red Sparowes, Every Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun
    Quick note on this band: I do not think they every recorded a bad note, and I love them. This has been: a quick note on Red Sparowes.
  8. Steve Morse, High Tension Wires
  9. The Nocturnes, A Year of Spring

I came late to Bowie—or, more accurately, I started late to come to Bowie—there's so much of it, and finding this late-career excellence reminded me that some great figures don't stop being great after people stop paying attention. It's not perfect, track for track, but there are some amazing songs here, and I look forward to learning more.

June 13, 2020

  1. Black Sabbath, Live Evil
  2. The Palace Brothers, There Is No-One What Will Take Care of You
  3. Blood Incantation, Hidden History of the Human Race
  4. King Geedorah, Take Me to Your Leader
  5. fIREHOSE, "fromohio"
  6. Screaming Trees (no, not that one), Beaten with the Ugly Stick (EP)
  7. Elvis Costello & the Attractions, My Aim Is True
  8. Blue Őyster Cult, On Your Feet or on Your Knees
  9. Pelican, City of Echoes
  10. Monster Magnet, 25....Tab

July 15, 2020

  1. Galaxie 500, This Is Our Music
    Could it be that the only essential Galaxie 500 record is Copenhagen?
  2. MF Doom, Born Like This
    This has one of my favorite tracks on one of my favorite CDs Noodles ever made, but I probably won't listen to the album again, b/c I don't need to hear or support "Batty Boyz" again.
  3. Sebadoh, Smash Your Head on the Punk Rock
    Man, "Mind Meld" sure holds the fuck up. So good.
  4. Spoons, Static in Transmission
    Right around here this week I started to lose my mind and pursue depths of Can(adian)Con(tent) that I am not sure are good for me, exactly.
  5. Wolfmother, Wolfmother
    This is bad, and I like it. I don't know what to make of anything anymore.

July 16, 2020

  1. Swervedriver, Mezcal head
    "Last Train to Satansville" is a great song title. Shoegaze is just prog with pop vocals, but you aren't ready to have that conversation.
  2. Spoons, The Best
    "Nova Heart" rules extremely hard.
  3. Kim Mitchell, Akimbo Alogo
    I think I wanted to be in the car, driving fast, again. This record gives a good vibe of that.
  4. Max Webster, Universal Juveniles
    I told you the CanCon was getting pretty real around here.
  5. Finger Eleven, Finger Eleven
    "Finger eleven" is a fucking sentence.
  6. John Carpenter, Anthology: Movie Themes
  7. Mike Watt, "Ring Spiel" Tour '95
  8. Kiss, Music from "The Elder"
  9. Dramarama, Hi-Fi Sci-Fi

July 17, 2020

  1. Jesu, Never
  2. MF Doom, Vaudeville Villain
  3. Hawkwind, Quark, Strangeness and Charm
  4. Baroness, The Red Album
  5. Miles Davis, Bitches Brew
  6. Spoons, Stick Figure Neighborhood
    I like this! Sort of the Joy Division guitar album to the later Spoons' New Order keyboard albums.
  7. Lana del Rey, Born to Die
  8. Blue Őyster Cult, Blue Őyster Cult
  9. Deltron 3030, Event 2

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